an obituary (for one jane [and her hazards])

here lies


and her hazards

  • fried bologna
  • yellow canaries (hers was named gary, he was her mellow fellow)
  • peach stones
  • 7
  • she died serenely, after staring at the angel in her grandmothers backyard meadow for too long. she loved her dog, skip, more than anything in the world, and she would like to leave everything in her will to him. skelly, AND the dust bunny that chews holes in her socks have both been INTENTIONALLY excluded from the will, and jane would like this to be made abundantly clear. at her funeral, she would like only for there to be served lukewarm gatorade, and dolmas served on platters of uranium glass. she would also like to personally thank madam maeve for predicting her fate in a palm reading session.